What is the Difference Between Salt and Industrial Salt?
Update Time: 2024-05-14  

In a world where chemistry plays a crucial role in various industries, understanding the difference between common table salt and industrial salt has become increasingly important. Recent studies and market analyses have shed light on the distinctive characteristics and applications of these two types of salt, which are often mistaken as interchangeable.


Table salt, scientifically known as sodium chloride, is the salt most familiar to the average consumer. It's the fine, white granules found in salt shakers on dining tables worldwide. This type of salt typically goes through a refining process to remove impurities and often has iodine added to prevent iodine deficiency in consumers. It's also treated to ensure it flows freely without clumping.


On the other hand, industrial salt has a much broader spectrum of applications and is less refined. It's used in large-scale operations, such as in the manufacturing of plastics, textiles, and paper. Industrial salt also plays a crucial role in water treatment facilities, where it's used to regenerate ion exchange resins, and in the de-icing of roads during winter months to ensure public safety.


One of the key differences lies in the purity levels. Industrial salt often contains higher levels of trace minerals and other impurities, which, while not suitable for human consumption, do not interfere with its industrial applications. In contrast, table salt undergoes a purification process to remove these impurities, making it safe and palatable for eating.


Another significant difference is in the granule size. Industrial salt typically comes in larger, coarser granules or even in rock form, which is more effective for its intended industrial purposes. Table salt granules are much smaller and are designed to dissolve quickly for culinary uses.


The production and regulation of these two types of salt also differ. Food-grade salt is subject to stringent food safety regulations and monitoring to ensure it's safe for consumption. Industrial salt, while still regulated, does not need to meet the same standards of purity and is often produced in larger quantities.


In recent developments, the market for industrial salt is expanding due to its increasing usage in chemical processing and oil and gas industries. This growth highlights the need for clearer distinctions between the types of salt to avoid confusion and ensure proper usage.


In summary, while both table salt and industrial salt are fundamentally composed of sodium chloride, their differences in purity, grain size, and intended use are significant. Understanding these differences is not only important for consumers but also for industries that rely on the unique properties of these salts to operate effectively and safely. As the demand for both types of salt continues to grow, it's essential to recognize their distinct roles in our daily lives and the economy.

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